How do I get a PEM certificate from Windows for IEEE 802.1x Network Authentication?
The following is an example of how to convert a DER encoded certificate to .pfx and finally to pem format required for import. If the certificate generated is in .DER format, you will need to convert it to .pfx before you can convert it to .PEM format for …
How can I change USB authorizations for PCoIP Zero Client?
USB devices can be enabled or disabled which allows IT control of the use of peripherals with HP Anyware PCoIP Agent, VMware Horizon View using PCoIP protocol, or PCoIP Remote Workstation Cards. PCoIP Zero Clients provide unique USB security features that …
HP Anyware Agents, Clients and direct connections
After completing this unit, you’ll be able to: Understand the difference between different host and client environments Understand the system requirements for the installation of product Install the required product Establish a direct connection to the …
How do I Set Zero Client password in PCoIP Management Console?
Use PCoIP Management Console PCoIP Management Console is recommended to manage the password setup for zero clients, including enabling the password protection for OSD and AWI, setting the password, and whether or not hiding the Password options from OSD …
How can I shadow a VMware Horizon View PCoIP desktop session from my vSphere console?
Note: This knowledge base article does not apply to HP Anyware. HP Anyware uses a  Anyware software GPU or a hardware GPU disabling the vSphere Console. In some cases viewing a remote users PCoIP session may be beneficial to troubleshooting an issue. In …
How do I remotely power on the host PC/workstation through its network interface (PC NIC) from a PCoIP Zero Client?
Answer: Follow the steps below to set up the host PC NIC for Wake-on-LAN (WOL) feature, to allow a workstation with a PCoIP Remote Workstation Card (host card) installed to be woken up by a PCoIP Zero Client. You can also remotely power on your …
How do I recover from Recovery Mode?
Problem The PCoIP Zero Client OSD has a blue background with Recovery Mode with the message: Warning: Recovery mode This Zero Client is in Recovery mode due to a failure to boot, failed firmware upload or invalid configuration. Please alert your …