Why does my pre-session smart card authentication fail with my PCoIP Zero Client but not my VMware Horizon client?
Problem You cannot establish a PCoIP session using your smart card in pre-session with a PCoIP Zero Client, but you are successful when using a VMware Horizon client. Note: Make sure that your smartcard and smartcard reader meet the requirements listed …
Do PCoIP Zero Clients support multi-factor authentication?
PCoIP Zero Clients support multi-factor authentication when connecting to HP Anyware, PCoIP Remote Workstation Cards, VMware or Amazon WorkSpaces. These can be used in pre-session authentication and in-session/post-session authentication scenarios. Since …
What is the difference between pre-session and post-session(in-session) smart card operation?
Answer: The difference between pre-session and post-session smart card operation is when the smart card is used for authentication during the log-in process.  Pre-session smart card operation: The smart card is used prior to the user establishing …
How do I access CTRL-ALT-DEL on a touchscreen monitor with Windows 7?
Answer: In Windows 7 environments where a touchscreen monitor uses the onscreen keyboard, consider enabling CTRL+ALT+ DEL, also known as the Secure Attention Sequence (SAS): Log in to the remote workstation or virtual desktop with the appropriate …
What does the "Network Link Down" message in the Event Log mean?
Problem A PCoIP Zero Client or PCoIP Remote Workstation Card is having intermittent or persistent problems maintaining a connection to the network. The logs repeatedly contain the message: 0d,00:00:05.42> LVL:2 RC: 0 MGMT_NET :Network link DOWN   Cause …
Tera 1 PCoIP Zero Client or PCoIP Remote Workstation card firmware prerequisites when upgrading to new firmware releases.
Answer: Note: HP Anyware Tera 1 PCoIP Zero Client devices and firmware are End of Life. Whist Tera 1 based PCoIP Zero Clients can be upgraded to Firmware 4.7.1 they lack many of the modern security standards for network communication. It is recommended …