Brokering Remote Workstation Card Machines You can use the Standard Agent for Linux to provide brokering capabilities for your Linux Remote Workstation Card machines. Important Configuring your Anyware Zero Client's connection mode as described here will …
Cloud-based Ubuntu hosts will fail to properly identify Wacom tablets that have been locally-terminated at the Anyware client. When this occurs, pressure sensitivity and other advanced features will not work properly. To work around this issue, remove the …
Security Certificates in Anyware Agents PCoIP requires a certificate to establish a session. By default, Anyware agents generate a self-signed certificate that secures the PCoIP session. Each component in the PCoIP system can generate these self-signed …
This topic contains instructions for installing the Zoom VDI Client on Agent machines. Before you begin , make sure that you have administrator privileges on the agent machine on which you want to install the Zoom VDI Client. On the agent machine, …
Zoom VDI for HP Anyware allows for an enhanced video conferencing performance in HP Anyware environments, by offloading the audio and video streams from Anyware agent devices to Anyware client devices. The client devices handle the processing of the video …
Zoom VDI for HP Anywareを使えば、Anyware AgentデバイスからAnyware Clientデバイスへのオーディオおよびビデオ ストリームをオフロードすることにより、HP Anyware環境でのビデオ会議のパフォーマンスを強化できます。クライアント デバイスがビデオおよびオーディオ ストリームの処理を担当し、Zoomサーバーとの間で直接ストリームを送受信するので、会議の快適性が向上します。 Zoom VDI for HP Anywareの仕組み Zoom VDI for HP …