Client SDK for macOS Developers' Guide

The following table contains a brief description of the header files included in the Anyware Client SDK for macOS:

Note: Location of the Header Files

The header files are available at the following locations in the Anyware Client SDK for macOS package:

  • Windows and Linux: The **include** folder
  • macOS: The **Frameworks** folder
Header File Description
broker_client.h This file defines the APIs supported by the Broker client SDK. It is the only file that needs to be included for using the Broker Client SDK.
broker_client_export.h This file is automatically generated to facilitate using the SDK DLLs in a Windows environment.
broker_client_types.h This file contains type definitions for broker_client.
pcoip_avsyncmode.h This file defines the AVSyncmode APIs supported by the PCoIP protocol shared library or the PCoIP protocol static library for interfacing with external implementations.
pcoip_client.h This file defines the APIs supported by the Anyware Client SDK. It is the only file that needs to be included for using the Anyware Client SDK.
pcoip_client_audio.h This file defines the audio APIs supported by the PCoIP protocol shared library or the PCoIP protocol static library for interfacing with external implementations.
pcoip_client_collaboration.h This file defines the collaboration APIs supported by the PCoIP protocol shared library or the PCoIP protocol static library for interfacing with external implementations.
pcoip_client_config.h This file defines the configuration APIs supported by the PCoIP protocol shared library or the PCoIP protocol static library for interfacing with external implementations.
pcoip_client_cursor.h This file defines the cursor APIs supported by the PCoIP protocol shared library or the PCoIP protocol static library for interfacing with external implementations.
pcoip_client_display.h This file defines the display APIs supported by the PCoIP protocol shared library or the PCoIP protocol static library for interfacing with external implementations.
pcoip_client_error.h This file defines the error enumeration used in the SDK.
pcoip_client_keyboard.h This file defines the keyboard APIs supported by the PCoIP protocol shared library or the PCoIP protocol static library for interfacing with external implementations.
pcoip_client_licensing.h This file defines the licensing APIs supported by the PCoIP protocol shared library or the PCoIP protocol static library for interfacing with external implementations.
pcoip_client_logging.h This file defines the logging APIs supported by the PCoIP protocol shared library or the PCoIP protocol static library for interfacing with external implementations.
pcoip_client_mouse.h This file defines the mouse APIs supported by the PCoIP protocol shared library or the PCoIP protocol static library for interfacing with external implementations.
pcoip_client_performance.h This file defines the performance APIs supported by the PCoIP protocol shared library or the PCoIP protocol static library for interfacing with external implementations.
pcoip_client_session.h This file defines the session APIs supported by the PCoIP protocol shared library or the PCoIP protocol static library for interfacing with external implementations.
pcoip_client_touch.h This file defines the touch APIs supported by the PCoIP protocol shared library or the PCoIP protocol static library for interfacing with external implementations.
pcoip_client_types.h This purpose of this header file is to only support backward compatibility. It should not be used.
pcoip_client_usb.h This file defines the USB APIs supported by the PCoIP protocol shared library or the PCoIP protocol static library for interfacing with external implementations.
pcoip_core_api.h This purpose of this header file is to only support backward compatibility. It should not be used.
pcoip_core_export_header.h This file is automatically generated to facilitate using the SDK DLLs in a Windows environment.
pcoip_core_types.h This purpose of this header file is to only support backward compatibility. It should not be used.

Last updated: Saturday, November 16, 2024