How to use the HP Anyware Licensing Portal
The HP Anyware Licensing Portal provides secure access to the list of licenses and can be used by the company's assigned Account Administrator. The Account Administrator role can be fulfilled by one central administrator or can be distributed across …
Cannot connect to session: Client shows licensing-related errors, or error 0x1002
Problem When attempting to establish a remote connection using a PCoIP client, the connection fails and one of these error messages appears: PCoIP Agent has no available licenses to launch the remote session. Please try again later. This desktop has no …
FAQ - Licensing
This FAQ provides questions and answers on how to order, manage and troubleshoot licenses for PCoIP products FAQ - Purchasing Order : How can I purchase or obtain a license? Change Order : How can I change an existing order (split, merge, extend, renew, …
How do I add more license administrators to manage my license subscription?
Login to your account to submit a customer service inquiry. Please include the new license administrator’s first & last name, email address, and your license activation code. … How do I add more license administrators to manage my license …
FAQ - Licensing for PCoIP Management Console
This FAQ provides common questions and answers on how to add or manage licenses on the PCoIP Management Console (MC) .  It includes concepts, guidelines and troubleshooting guidance.   FAQ – General What does a MC license look like?  What does the MC …
Steps for doing an Offline License Activation/Deactivation for Management Console
For offline activation, you will need some assistance from the HP Anyware technical staff. Scenario 1:   Fresh license activation : Login into your account on the  HP Anyware self service portal .  Don't have an account? Register  here . Select  …
PCoIP Agent has no available licenses to launch the remote session. Please try again later. If this failure persists, please report this failure to your system administrator.
Problem When starting a PCoIP session, the PCoIP Client shows the message "PCoIP Agent has no available licenses to launch the remote session. Please try again later. If this failure persists, please report this failure to your system administrator."     …
PCoIP Agent reported "This version of trusted storage is not supported"
Problem The PCoIP Agent stops immediately after starting, and the log file contains: " Failed to add FNE trial license source: [1,7E1,2,0[70000027,0,5002E]] This version of trusted storage is not supported" Or running the pcoip-validate-license.ps1 …