What does "IPC: Frame encode took xxx ms so far. Dropping down the quality to index x." in the log files indicate?
Answer: In this case, the imaging encoder has determined that too many bits were being sent in the upper portion of the frame (i.e. flooding) which causes the frame to take longer to encode, and therefore appears unresponsive to the user (> 750 ms to …
Why is the network connection lost when a USB disk is plugged into a PCoIP Zero Client?
Scenario A desktop freeze, session disconnect or "network connection lost" (if the overlay network error message is enabled) message is displayed after an USB disk is plugged into a PCoIP Zero Client.   Cause A heavy load such as autoplay on a flash drive …
MagTek USB Keyboard Emulation Card Swipe Reader (i.e. credit card reader) causes "stuck key" problem
Scenario Occasionally when using a MagTek USB KB Swipe Card Reader attached to a zero client, the card data is read incorrectly. This can cause undefined behaviour. (i.e. a key repeats indefinitely).   Cause Some USB Keyboard Emulation Card Readers have …
Core API - PCoIP Client SDK for Windows
Core API Change Log This section outlines API call updates and changes for the Core API from the different versions of the PCoIP Client SDK for Windows.   20.10 PcoipClientInitData PcoipClientInitData structure has been changed for licensing related data. …
Cannot connect to the web interface (AWI) of a zero client or remote workstation card after changing the Label name.
Scenario You modify the label name of your zero client or remote workstation card and after reboot you cannot connect to the web interface using the FQDN. For example the default label name may be similar to pcoip-portal-0030040c8f2d You modify it to …
PCoIP TROUBLESHOOTING STEPS: IEEE 802.1x Network Authentication
This article provides a brief list of troubleshooting steps for common issues with 802.1x authentication. It is not intended to be a comprehensive troubleshooting guide. These include scenarios for: Problems uploading IEEE 802.1x certificates to PCoIP …
Configuring PCoIP Agents
After completing this unit, you’ll be able to: Understand the requirements for using configurations Understand the procedure to configure agent machine 40 mins PCoIP agents can be configured to optimize the PCoIP performance and behavior and these …