Host Health Check - Diagnostics and troubleshooting guide

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To receive a detailed host diagnostic report, create a client support/log file bundle and then submit this bundle to the PCoIP health check  tool.  Once the files are submitted, it will take 5-10 minutes to produce a detailed report.  The report will be sent to your registered e-mail address.  

Host Diagnostics Summary


Host Report
Agent Type 
Agent Version
Operating System
Memory Check
Host Certificate Validation
Ultra compatible?
License Configuration
Display Driver Version?
Resolution fixed 
Desktop Installed? [1]
Xorg Server launched? [1]

Client Time Zone 



  • time period and coverage of the report
  • the type of PCoIP Agent being used
  • the software version of the agent
  • the OS version and its name and IP address
  • the memory available
  • status of the host certificate
  • is host capable of support Ultra?
  • configured for a cloud server or a local license server?
  • is the display driver certified for PCoIP?
  • is the host resolution fixed?
  • is the desktop Installed 
  • is the X server launched 
  • is the client time zone 
Initiate Session
Session Authentication   
Resource Allocation
Prepare Host
# of Display heads?


  • the time that the client starts to initiate a session
  • the results of the user authentication validation
  • is the session a direct connect or brokered connection?
  • is the host ready for the connection
  • the maximum #of displays that the host can serve
Checkout license
Accept Payload
Accelerated Display [2]
Resolution Negotiation    
Packet Loss
Buffer Overflow 
Disconnect session   


  • was the host able to get a license?
  • the time that the PCoIP session was established with host
  • if the display optimized or non-optimized
  • the resolutions and topology negotiation results
  • if the network is experiencing packet loss
  • if the network is experience latency (delay)
  • if the network is experience jitter (variability)
  • if the client is experience buffer overflow
  • the time and reason for a session disconnect


  • [1] Diagnostic is LINUX specific.  Not applicable to Windows or MAC.
  • [2] Diagnostic is only available on Graphic Agents on Linux or Windows.  Not applicable to agents running on a MAC.  Not available on Linux or Windows systems running Standard Agents.


Host Health Checks

Host Report Timeline

Shows the time period that the report covers including the session ids and the timezone used.  The diagnostic returns:

Pass:Logs were found
Fail:Logs were not found.


Data Collected:

Session: <X>, <Y>, <Z>.  Time are reported in UTC.  The local time on the client is: <date>  


Implementation Details:


This diagnostic is checked at install time.  

Implementation Steps:

  • Step 1: Final all pcoip_service files. The files in scope are the 6 most recent sessions.  Every time a session is established, a pcoip_server is created.  See example (a)
  • Step 2: Find all pcoip_agent* files.  Usually just one file however if the start date above is not found in the first agent file, then additional agent files will need to be collected. 
  • Step 2: Record the session IDs associated with the 6 sessions.  Put the session Ids into the DATA area
  • Step 3: Put the local start time in the Data area.  See log pattern (d)   

Time Period:

  • The diagnostic start time is the log timestamp in the first line of the first file that is in scope.  See example (b)
  • The diagnostic end time is the log timestamp in the last line of the last file that is in scope.  See example (c)

Example (a) how to find the files that are in scope.

User-added image

Example (b) find the start time: First line of the oldest file in scope.

2021-07-08T00:40:48.635Z ff0eb200-c1b2-1039-84d6-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC:   0          COMMON :local time 2021-07-07T17:40:48.635-08:00
2021-07-08T00:40:48.635Z ff0eb200-c1b2-1039-84d6-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC:   0          COMMON :-- pcoip_server begins.
2021-07-08T00:40:48.635Z ff0eb200-c1b2-1039-84d6-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC:   0          COMMON :--------------------------

Example (c) find the end time: Last line of the newest pcoip_agent file.

2021-07-08T00:54:46.176Z 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 ...

Example (d) find the local start time: first line of the oldest file in scope.

2021-07-08T00:40:48.635Z ff0eb200-c1b2-1039-84d6-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC:   0          COMMON :local time 2021-07-07T17:40:48.635-08:00

Agent Type

Shows the type of Agent installed on the host.   The diagnostic returns:

Pass:Agent found and agent server has launched successfully.
Fail:Agent server was unable to launch.

Data Collected:

PCoIP Graphics Agent for Windows |
PCoIP Graphics Agent for Linux |
PCoIP Standard Agent for Windows |
PCoIP Graphics Agent for Linux |
PCoIP Graphics Agent for MacOS

Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass)

Root CauseRemedy

Agent Server did not start

  • Install did not succeed?
  • Is there another application conflicting with the Agent?
Uninstall and re-install the agent.
Check if there are other applications that might conflict with the agent installed on the Host.  For example, the vmWare agent will conflict if it is installed on the same host as HP Anyware.  If the vmWare agent is installed and running, then HP Anyware will not function.

Implementation Details:


This diagnostic is checked at install time.  
Once the first diagnostic is displayed, subsequent matches should only be displayed if the value changes from the previous displayed value.

Implementation Steps:

  • Step 1:   Find Agent Type. See log pattern (a) 
  • Step 2:   Ensure that the server has started correctly.  See log pattern (b)
  • Timeout: Step 2 should occur within 10 seconds of Step 1.

Time Period:

  • The diagnostic starts time is associated with Step 1.  The end time is associated with Step 2.    

Example (a) of agent type  as reported by the PCoIP Agent Log:

LVL:2 RC:   0           AGENT :Agent type: PCoIP Graphics Agent for Windows 

Example (b) of agent server starting  as reported by the PCoIP Agent Log:

LVL:2 RC:   0           AGENT :Prepare launch succeeded.

Example (c) of agent not started due to VMWare PCoIP agent.  Log is in log:"C:\ProgramData\VMware\VDM\logs\":

2020-09-28T21:21:36.599Z 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 SERVER :PCoIP server launched with parameters, mbx:1 adr: session_type:vdi ip_family:IPv4 

SW Version

Shows the software version of Agent installed on the host.   The diagnostic returns:

Pass:Agent version found is fully supported.  
Warning:Agent version found is old and out of support.  Recommend upgrading

Data Collected:



Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass)

Root CauseRemedy

Agent SW Version is not recommended for deployment

  • Load is no longer supported
  • Patches are available.
  • New feature may be available.
  • Security fixes may be available.
Uninstall and re-install the agent with a new agent to pick up new releases.

Consult the HP Anyware Product Lifecycle Page for details on firmware/software versions that are under support.  Release notes will provide a summary of key fixes, security updates and new features.


Implementation Details:


This diagnostic is checked at install time.  
Once the first diagnostic is displayed, subsequent matches should only be displayed if the value changes from the previous displayed value.

Implementation Steps:

  • Step 1:   Find Agent Type. See log pattern (a) 

Time Period:

  • The diagnostic starts time is associated with Step 1.  The end time is associated with Step 1.    

Example (a) of agent type and software versions numbers as reported by the PCoIP Agent Log:

LVL:2 RC:   0           AGENT :Software package version: 20.10.2 (use this when reporting problems)

Operating System

Shows details on the host OS.  Diagnostic returns:

Pass:OS is compatible with the installed Agent
Warning:OS upgrade is recommended.  

Data Collected:

Apple MacOS (version) |
Windows 10 (10.0 build 18363)  |
Linux (version)

Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass)

The administration guides provide details on the minimum requirements for the host. To ensure that your host is healthy, compare the OS values found in the PCoIP Agent logs to ensure that your host does conform to the latest recommendations.

Root CauseRemedy
OS needs upgrading

Refer to the admin guide for the minimal OS  requirements.

PCoIP Agent TypeHP Anyware
(Standard Agent)
HP Anyware
(Graphic Agent)
WindowsOS RequirementsOS Requirements
LinuxOS RequirementsOS Requirements
MAC-OS Requirements


Implementation Details:


This diagnostic is checked at install time.  
Once the first diagnostic is displayed, subsequent matches should only be displayed if the value changes from the previous displayed value.

Implementation Steps:

  • Step 1:   Find OS Type and version.  See log pattern (a) 
  • Step 2:   Determine if OS is supported.  
  • Timeout: Step 2 should be within 2 seconds for step 1.

Time Period:

  • The diagnostic starts time is associated with Step 1.  The end time is associated with Step 1.    

Example (a) of OS information in the PCoIP Agent logs: 

LVL:2 RC:   0           COMMON :Linux 3.10.0-862.9.1.el7.x86_64 (Generic)
LVL:2 RC:   0           COMMON :24 processors detected
LVL:2 RC:   0           COMMON :62670MB/63910MB of physical memory available 
LVL:2 RC:   0          TBD

Memory Check

Shows details on the client OS.  Diagnostic returns:

Pass:Agent has enough memory for basic is compatible with the installed agent
Warning:OS may not be compatible with the installed agent
Fail:Memory found on the agent is below recommended minimum

Data Collected:

Windows 10 Professional (10.0 build 18363) | Darwin 20.3.0 (Apple MacOS) | Linux 5.8.0-48-generic (Generic)
3848MB/8191MB of physical memory available: 8MB

Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass)

Root CauseRemedy
Additional Memory
is required

Refer to the admin guide for the minimal memory requirements.

PCoIP Agent TypeHP Anyware
(Standard Agent)
HP Anyware
(Graphic Agent)

Implementation Details:


This diagnostic is checked at install time. 
Once the first diagnostic is displayed, subsequent matches should only be displayed if the value changes from the previous displayed value.

Implementation Steps:

  • Step 1: Find Client Memory available.  See log pattern (a) or (b) or (c).

Time Period:

  • The diagnostic starts time is associated with Step 1.  The end time is associated with Step 1.    

Example (a) OS information (Windows) 

LVL:2 RC:   0          COMMON :**** System Info
                                                                                    LVL:2 RC:   0          COMMON :3551MB/8065MB of physical memory available
                                                                                    LVL:2 RC:   0          COMMON :134213460MB/134217727MB of virtual memory available
                                                                                    LVL:2 RC:   0          COMMON :***

Example (b) OS information (MAC) 

LVL:2 RC:   0          COMMON :**** System Info
                                                                                                                                                                        LVL:2 RC:   0          COMMON :8543MB/40960MB of physical memory available
                                                                                                                                                                        LVL:2 RC:   0          COMMON :****

Example (c) OS information (Linux) 

LVL:2 RC:   0          COMMON :**** System Info
                                                                                                                                                                                                    LVL:2 RC:   0          COMMON :6668MB/7961MB of physical memory available
                                                                                                                                                                                                    LVL:2 RC:   0          COMMON :*****

Host Certificate Validation

Shows the status of your certificate.  Diagnostic returns:

Pass:Certificate was successfully verified
Warning:Certificate was not successfully verified  
FailCertificate was not found

Data Collected:

BROKER : thumbprint hash comparison succeeded | 
BROKER : Certificate fails verification

Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass)

Root CauseRemedy
Certificate is self signedBy default, PCoIP agents generate a self-signed certificate that secures the PCoIP session. Each component in the PCoIP system can generate these self-signed certificates, which will automatically work together without requiring any configuration.

The administration guide has details on how to remove the self signed certificates and replace with custom certificates. (WindowsLinuxMAC ).
Certificate does not meet the  minimal requirements

Review the certificate to ensure that all these fields are set correctly:

  • Expiry Time: The Certificate MUST have a correct valid Time. The Not Before and Not After requirements MUST be satisfied.
  • Key Usage: If an Enhanced Key Usage (EKU) extension has been provided, it MUST include Server Authentication usage.
  • RSA Key Length: The length of the RSA public key MUST satisfy the minimum key length requirement.  Must be at least 1024 bits or higher.
  • Host Name Matches the Certificate Subject: The hostname MUST match the Subject Name (SN) or one of the Subject Alternative Names (SAN) of the certificate.  When using an IP address, the client MUST ensure the host IP address is specified in one of the certificate name fields. 

The host trusts the certificate presented only if any one of these conditions are met:

  • The CA-signed certificate itself exists in the host's certificate store.
  • The certificate Issuer is trusted by the host. The client trusts a received certificate/chain if it has been issued, directly or indirectly, by a trusted CA. A trusted CA is an intermediate or a root CA whose certificate has been installed in the host's certificate store.
  • If the certificate is self-signed, then the self-signed certificate itself MUST exist in the host's certificate store.
Certificate is not installed on the host or the certificate is corrupted.
  • TBD

Implementation Details:


This diagnostic is checked at install time.  
Once the first diagnostic is displayed, subsequent matches should only be displayed if the value changes from the previous displayed value.

Implementation Steps:

  • Step 1:   Find certificate result.  See log pattern (a) or (b) 
  • Timeout: Not Applicable.

Time Period:

  • The diagnostic starts time is associated with Step 1.  The end time is associated with Step 1.    

Example (a) The PcoIP logs will show the following when the client was able to successfully open a secure channel with the remote server/host: 

 LVL:2 RC:   0           SCNET :(scnet_validate_by_thumbprint_hash): thumbprint hash comparison succeeded

The PCoIP logs also show the certificate details as provided by the server/host:

LVL:2 RC:   0     CERTIFICATE :(scnet_client_open_ssl): Certificate sent by the Janus server to open the SSL connection:
                            LVL:2 RC:   0     CERTIFICATE :   --> Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
                            LVL:2 RC:   0     CERTIFICATE :   --> Issuer: C=in,ST=mh,L=pune,O=teradici,OU=gss,CN=jt
                            LVL:2 RC:   0     CERTIFICATE :   --> Not Before: May 13 04:30:19 2020 GMT
                            LVL:2 RC:   0     CERTIFICATE :   --> Not After : May 13 04:30:19 2021 GMT
                            LVL:2 RC:   0     CERTIFICATE :   --> Subject: C=in,ST=mh,L=pune,O=teradici,OU=gss,CN=*.domain.local
                            LVL:2 RC:   0     CERTIFICATE :   --> Subject Public Key Info:
                            LVL:2 RC:   0     CERTIFICATE :   --> Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                            LVL:2 RC:   0     CERTIFICATE :   --> RSA Public-Key: (3072 bit)
                            LVL:2 RC:   0     CERTIFICATE :   --> keyid:26:C5:60:A5:CA:C2:E4:8B:AD:22:40:BD:86:8A:59:A0:2E:F8:5E:32 
                            LVL:2 RC:   0     CERTIFICATE :   --> CA:TRUE
                            LVL:2 RC:   0     CERTIFICATE :   --> Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment
                            LVL:2 RC:   0     CERTIFICATE :   -->
                            LVL:2 RC:   0           SCNET :(scnet_validate_by_thumbprint_hash): thumbprint hash comparison succeeded
                            LVL:2 RC:   0           SCNET :(scnet_client_open): Connected to

Example (b) of the PcoIP logs when the client certificates are unknown or not valid: 

 LVL:1 RC:-500     CERTIFICATE :verify_certificate: Certificate fails verification

Is host Ultra compatible?  

Shows if the Host CPU is compatible with PCoIP ULTRA .
If you desire to use PCoIP Ultra then both the host and client must use a CPU that has a AVX2 instruction set.  
Diagnostic returns:

Pass:Host can be used with PCoIP Ultra.
Warning:Host cannot be used with PCoIP Ultra. 

Data Collected:

CPU supports AVX2 |
CPU does not support AVX2

Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass)

If AVX2 is not supported and you want to use ULTRA, then upgrade the host CPU or alternatively connect to a host that does support AVX2.  See Advanced Vector Extension (AVX2) history for processors that support AVX2.

Implementation Details:


This diagnostic is checked at install time.  
Once the first diagnostic is displayed, subsequent matches should only be displayed if the value changes from the previous displayed value.

Implementation Steps:

  • Step 1:   Find AVX2 details.  See log pattern (a) or (b) 

Time Period:

  • The diagnostic starts time is associated with Step 1.  The end time is associated with Step 1.    

Example (a): host logs showing AVX2 as supported:

LVL:0 RC:   0          COMMON :cpu_intrinsics_report: CPU supports         AVX2

Example (b): host logs showing AVX2 as not supported:

LVL:0 RC:   0          COMMON :cpu_intrinsics_report: CPU does not supports AVX2


Client time zone

Shows details of the client time zone.  Diagnostic returns:

Pass:Client time zone information is available in the logs
Fail:<TBD> E.g., Client time zone is not available in the logs 


Data Collected:

Client time zone setting is India Standard Time


Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass)



License Configuration  

Shows if the Agent is configured to use either the cloud licensing service or a local license server.

Diagnostic returns:

Pass:Host is setup to be used with either the cloud licensing service or a local license server.
Fail:Licensing is not configured.

Data Collected:

Host ID: [ <id> | unavailable | unknown]
Server ID: [ <id> | unknown]
PCoIP License is: [not configured | using a Cloud Server | using a local license server]
URL: [https://.....]

Root Cause: (if diagnostic fails)
   [Host Id allocated to a different organization |
    Host Id has changed |
    Host Id is unavailable |
    Host Id is unknown |
    Licensing is not configured]

Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass)

Root CauseRemedy

is not Configured

To establish a session, the Agent needs to be configured to either acquire licenses from the cloud or from a local license server.  Follow the table below to configure your agent for licensing.  Refer to the admin guide for the licensing configuration steps:

   How to configure  
Cloud Licensing
on the Agent
How to configure 
the Agent to use
  a local license server  

Note: Configuration of Licensing (Cloud and Local) is same for Standard Agent and Graphics Agent

If you need help deciding which licensing scheme to use, the following guidelines are available:

is not Configured

Host Id is

If the host Id is available then the most likely cause is the key was typed in correctly.  Double check the registration code to ensure that it is typed in correctly.  Pay special attention to 0 (zero) and O (Letter O) or 1 (one) and l (small l). 

If that does not fix the issue, refer to these articles on how to fix common licensing issues:

is not Configured

Host ID is
To fix when operating on a physical workstation, install a physical Ethernet card into the workstation.  That will ensure that a permanent MAC address is available on the host that can be used for the licensing bind.  Once the new Ethernet card is installed, reboot your workstation and then follow the licensing instruction in the administration manual.  

to fix when on a virtualized workstation, move to a certified hypervisor or certificate cloud instance such as ESXi, Nutanix or Cloud instance from AWS EC2, GCP or Azure.  The agent system requirement section will outline the supported platforms.

If installing a ethernet card or moving to a supported platform does not fix the issue, then contact HP Anyware support with details.
is not Configured

Host ID is
to a different organization
Indicates that the host is already registered to a different organization. 

To fix, contact HP Anyware Support for details on how proceed. 

When raising the case, include the host ID, and your license details and then HP Anyware will provide instruction for how to fix.
is not Configured

Host ID has

Indicates that the machine changed its host id.  This could happen if you cloned the OS and moved it to a different machine.  When the new cloned machine starts, a different host id is detected and the installed license is marked as corrupted. 

To fix:

  1. Delete the contents of C:\ProgramData\Teradici\PCoIPAgent\licensing\5 in Windows, or /var/lib/pcoip-agent/licensing/5 (requires root permissions) in Linux
  2. Restart the appropriate agent service (PCoIP Graphics Agent or PCoIP Standard Agent on Windows, or pcoip-agent on Linux)
  3. ​If using HP Anyware Cloud Licensing (not using a local license server), re-register the host.
is not Configured

Host ID is
The support bundle could not run the license tool and therefore the host id could not be found. 

To fix, permissions needs to be adjusted on your remote host to allow the support bundle the ability to execute shell commands.  Once that is done, collect the support bundle again and generate a new health check.  The updated health check will then use the data to provide advice on how to correct the licensing issues. 


Implementation Details:


This diagnostic is checked at install time.  
Once the first diagnostic is displayed, subsequent matches should only be displayed if the value changes from the previous displayed value.  

Implementation Steps:

  • Step 1: Set default values   
    • set Status = Failed.  
    • set ConfigStatus = "Not Configured"
    • set Host id = "id unknown"
    • set Server id = "id unknown"
  • Step 2: Is the URL defined?
    • If URL matches pattern (a)
      • ConfigStatus = "using a Cloud Server" otherwise
      • Status = Passed
    • else if URL matches pattern (b)
      • ConfigStatus = "using a Local License Server"
      • Status = Passed
  • Step 3:   Find FNE debug dump where server IDs is kept.  
    • If FNE debug dump is found then
      • Server id = <value of the License Server ID> in pattern (c)
  • Step 4: Find the Host ID  
    • If pattern is found.  See pattern (d-success)  
      • host id = <value found>. 
    • If pattern is not found.  See pattern (d-failure)
      • host id = "ID is unavailable" 
  • Step 5:   Find specific error conditions for failures
    • If Status == Failed then try and find pattern (e).  If found,
      • Reason = "Host Id is registered to a different organization".
    • if Status == Failed then try and find pattern (f).  If found,
      • Reason = "Host Id has changed" 

Time Period:

  • The diagnostic starts time is not in the logs. 
  • Since this diagnostic is from data in PcoIP Support Log, the diagnostic should appear after the initial Host Report diagnostic.     
  • This diagnostic should always appear in the health check.

Example (a): License Server URL (Cloud licensing)

  • Windows: in log file: PCoIPSupport_Log
  • Linux/MAC: in the log file found in the out folder: file pcoip-validate-license --verbose 
Licenses available from

Example (b): License Server URL (Local License Server) 

  • Windows: in log file: PCoIPSupport_Log 
  • Linux/MAC: In the log file found in the out folder: file pcoip-validate-license --verbose (Linux)
Licenses available from

Example (c): Licensing server id information (from FNE license dump) 

  • Windows: in log file: PCoIPSupport_Log
  • Linux/MAC:in the log file found in the out folder: file: @@usr@local@bin@pcoip-license-tool_dump_-v.out
  • If the file is not found or the value is empty or 0, then licensing has NOT been configured.
  • The server id is XXXXXXX.  This info hsould be put in the comment area.
BEGIN FNE debug dump
    virtual machine type: 1
    client version: 2020.12.0.274198.2020.11.26-
    licensing version: 2020.12.0.274198.2020.11.26-
    host type: <empty>
    current host ID: type = 0, value = <empty>
    floating server ID: type = 8, value = XXXXXXXXXXX
END FNE debug dump

Example (d-success): Licensing host id information is found

  • Windows: in log file: PCoIPSupport_Log
  • Linux/MAC:in the log file found in the out folder: file: pcoip-validate-license_--verbose
Set host ID to type = Z, value = YYYYYYYYYY

Example (d-failure): Licensing host id information is not found

  • Windows: in log file: PCoIPSupport_Log
  • Linux/MAC:in the log file found in the out folder: file: pcoip-validate-license_--verbose

Could not set either VM UUID or ethernet for host ID, using default behaviour

Example (e): Cloud Licensing Registration Failure due to machine being used in a different org

  • Windows: in log file: pcoip_control_pannel
  • Linux/MAC:in the log file found in the out folder: file: @@usr@local@bin@pcoip-license-tool_dump_-v.out
  • If the file is not found or the value is empty or 0, then licensing has NOT been configured.
Running: C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy AllSigned -NonInteractive -WindowStyle Hidden -Command "& { &'C:\Program Files\Teradici\PCoIP Agent\pcoip-register-host.ps1' -RegistrationCode %PCOIP_REG_CODE% ; Exit $LastExitCode; }"
Powershell command stderr: Failed to register with the cloud license server "". Host "NAME" may already be registered with "" under a different registration. For resolution, contact Teradici support at Provide the name of your machine "NAME" and the support bundle.

Example (f): Cloud Licensing Registration Failure due to a host id machine changing

  • Windows: in log file: PCoIPSupport_Log
  • Linux/MAC:in the log file found in the out folder: file: @@usr@local@bin@pcoip-license-tool_dump_-v.out
BEGIN FNE debug dump
    virtual machine type: 1
    client version: 2020.12.0.274198.2020.11.26-
    licensing version: 2020.12.0.274198.2020.11.26-
    host type: <empty>
    current host ID: type = 0, value = <empty>
    floating server ID: type = 8, value = YYYYYYYYYYY
    Available host IDs:
        3 - XXXXXXXXXXXX
        3 - F02F7493D935
        11 -
        5 - Administrator
    virtual machine info dictionary was not set
    floating features:
        Session 1.0 21-Jul-2036 23:59:59 EXPIRES=21-Jul-2036 23:59:59 AVAILABLE=uncounted HOSTID=ZZZZZZZZZZ VENDOR_STRING="****-****-****-****" ISSUER="Teradici Corporation" ISSUED=08-Oct-2021 00:00:00 NOTICE="COMPANY NAME" SN="xxxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxx" START=21-Jul-2021 00:00:00
     Not valid for acquisition: Trusted storage hostid does not match system hostid.
    trial features:
        Grace_Availability 1.0 05-Jan-2022 23:59:59 EXPIRES=permanent AVAILABLE=uncounted HOSTID=ANY START=08-Oct-2021 00:00:00
     Valid for acquisition
    Customer ID = YYYYYYYYYYYY
END FNE debug dump