Host Performance Health Check - Diagnostics and troubleshooting guide

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To receive a detailed host diagnostic report, create a host agent support/log file bundle and then submit this bundle to the PCoIP health check  tool.  Once the files are submitted, it will take 5-10 minutes to produce a detailed report.  The report will be sent to your registered e-mail address. 

Host health checks are available for HP Anyware Standard Agents and HP Anyware Graphic Agents.

Host Performance Diagnostics Summary

Phase Host with HP Anyware
  Standard Agent
Host with HP Anyware
Graphic Agent
Session  P1. Packet Loss
 P2. Latency
 P3. Jitter
 P4. Buffer Overflow
 P1. Packet Loss
 P2. Latency
 P3. Jitter
 P4. Buffer Overflow


Host Performance Diagnostics Summary

Packet Loss

Reports if packet loss was seen during a PCoIP session.   The diagnostic returns:

Pass:Packets were exchanged and packet loss was less than .2% during the session.
Warning:No traffic was exchanged during the period.
Fail:Packets were exchanged and loss exceeded .2%. 


Data Collected:

Every 60 seconds, packet loss stats are reported by the agent. 

PCoIP traffic -> RxStatus: [No Data | Received | Received with Loss] TxStatus: [No Data | Sent | Sent with Loss]
R=000000/000000/296923 T=022209/380982/107934 (A/I/O) Loss=0.00%/0.00%


Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass) 

Root CauseRemedy

Packet Loss can cause:

  • Black Screens
  • Display Artifacts
  • Poor Performance
  • Poor audio

Recommended next steps include:

  1. Use PCoIP Session Statics Viewer tool to drill into the network and tx/rx performance during the session.  This tool will provide graphs that give an accurate pictures of network usage during the time period.
  2. Once the data, is obtained, the network issues should be addressed by following the guidance in these articles:


Implementation Details:


This diagnostic is checked every 60 seconds during an active session..  

Implementation Steps (All Events):

  • Step 1:   Find Packet Loss Report associated with the same sessionID. See log pattern (a) 
    •  If Tx Data = "0000/00000/0000"
      • Set TxStatus = "No Data"
    • else if Tx Loss > ".2%"
      • Set TxStatus = "Sent with Loss"
    • else
      • Set TxStatus = "Sent"
    • endif
    • If Rx Data = "0000/00000/0000"
      • Set RxStatus = "No Data"
    • else if Tx Loss > ".2%"
      • Set RxStatus = "Received with Loss"
    • else
      • Set RxStatus = "Received"
    • endif
  • Step 2:
    • if (TxStatus == "No Data" and RxStatus == "No Data") then
      • Set DiagStatus = Warning
    • else if (TxStatus == "Sent with Loss" or RxStatus == "Received with Loss") then
      • Set DiagStatus = Failed
    • else
      • Set DiagStatus = Passed
    • endif

Time Period (All Events)

  • The diagnostic starts time with the first Packet Loss pattern found. 
  • The end time is left blank since we report on every packet loss report found.

Example (a): Packet loss statistics are published in the logs every 60 seconds and apply to the last 60 seconds. 

LVL:1 RC: 0 VGMAC :Stat frms: R=000000/000000/296923 T=022209/380982/107934 (A/I/O) Loss=0.00%/0.00% (R/T)



Reports the Latency seen during a PCoIP session.   The diagnostic returns:

Pass:Latency never exceed 100 ms during the session
Warning:Latency exceeded 100 ms for at least one 60 second period during the session
Fail:Latency exceeded 250 ms for at least one 60 second period during the session


Data Collected:

Every 60 seconds, Latency stats are reported by the agent. 

  • Z represents how many latency reports were made available during the session
  • X represents the number of latency sessions that exceed 100 ms.  
  • Y represents the number of latency sessions that exceed 250 ms.
X periods with latency > 100ms.  Y periods with latency > 250 ms.  Z periods reported.


Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass) 

Root CauseRemedy

High latency can cause:

  • mouse/tablets sluggishness
  • audio pops and cracks

Recommended next steps include:

  1. Use PCoIP Session Statics Viewer tool to drill into the network and tx/rx performance during the session.  This tool will provide graphs that give an accurate pictures of network usage during the time period.
  2. Once the data, is obtained, the network issues should be addressed by following the guidance in these articles:


Implementation Details:


This diagnostic is checked every 60 seconds during an active session..  

Implementation Steps:

  • Step 1:   Find all Latency reports associated with the same session id. See log pattern (a) 
  • Step 2:   Report X (# of Latency sessions > 100 ms)
  • Step 3:   Report Y (# of Latency sessions > 250 ms).
  • Step 4:   Report Z (# of Latency sessions found)  

Time Period:

  • The diagnostic starts time with the first Latency report associated with the session.
  • The diagnostic end time is the last Latency Report associated with the session.

Example (a): Latency information is published in the logs every 60 seconds and the statistics apply to the last 60 seconds. 

LVL:2 RC: 0 MGMT_PCOIP_DATA :Tx thread info: round trip time (ms) = 1, variance = 0, rto = 101, last = 2, max = 10


Reports the Jitter seen during a  PCoIP session.   The diagnostic returns:

Pass:Jitter never exceed 30 ms during the session
Warning:Jitter exceeded 30 ms for at least one 60 second period during the session
Fail:Jitter exceeded 100 ms for at least one 60 second period during the session


Data Collected:

Every 60 seconds, Jitter stats are reported by the agent. 

  • Z represents how many Jitter reports were made available during the session
  • X represents the number of Jitter reports that exceed 30 ms.  
  • Y represents the number of Jitter reports that exceed 100 ms.
X periods with Jitter > 30 ms.  Y periods with Jitter > 100 ms.  Z periods reported.


Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass) 

Root CauseRemedy

High Jitter can cause:

  • Poor Performance
  • audio pops and cracks

Recommended next steps include:

  1. Use PCoIP Session Statics Viewer tool to drill into the jitter seen during session.  This tool will provide graphs that give an accurate pictures of network usage during the time period.
  2. Once the data, is obtained, the network issues should be addressed by following the guidance in these articles:


Implementation Details:


This diagnostic is checked every 60 seconds during an active session..  

Implementation Steps:

  • Step 1:   Find all Jitter reports associated with the same session Id. See log pattern (a) 
  • Step 2:   Report X (# of Jitter sessions > 30 ms)
  • Step 3:   Report Y (# of Jitter sessions > 100 ms)
  • Step 3:   Report Z (# of Jitter sessions found)  

Time Period:

  • The diagnostic starts time with the first Jitter report associated with the session.
  • The diagnostic end time is the last Jitter Report associated with the session.

Example (a): Jitter information is published in the logs every 60 seconds and the statistics apply to the last 60 seconds. 

LVL:2 RC: 0 MGMT_PCOIP_DATA :Tx thread info: round trip time (ms) = 1, variance = 0, rto = 101, last = 2, max = 10

Buffer Overflow

Reports if hosts buffers overflow events are seen during a session.  This diagnostic is only reported if buffer overflow are seen and therefore if it is report, it is always reported as a fail.

Fail:A buffer overflow event was reported on the host


Data Collected:

  • Z represents how many buffer overflow events were reported during the session. 
Z buffer overflow events reported.


Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass)   

Root CauseRemedy

Buffer Overflow cause:

  • Poor performance
  • distorted image quality,
  • black or tearing screens

If buffers are overflowing on the host, dithering may be the cause.  Make sure the graphics cards on both the client and host have temporary dithering disabled. For additional guidance, refer to The impact of graphics card temporal dithering



Implementation Details:


This diagnostic during an active session

Implementation Steps:

  • Step 1:   Find all Buffer Overflow events associated with the same Session ID.   See log pattern (a) 
  • Step 2:   Report Z (# of buffer overflow events found)

Time Period:

  • The diagnostic starts time with the first buffer overflow event found associated with the session.
  • The diagnostic end time is the last buffer overflow event found associated with the session.

Example (a) : PCoIP Graphics Agent failing to encode display

LVL:1 RC:-503    IPC :SW_HOST_IMAGING_CONTROLLER::ImageProcessingController::encode failed because the current encode display is invalid