PCoIP TROUBLESHOOTING STEPS: View Connection Server Client Certificates
This article provides a brief list of troubleshooting steps for common issues, it is not intended to be a comprehensive troubleshooting guide.  This includes scenarios and detailed troubleshooting steps as follows: Problems uploading VCS certificates to …
PCoIP TROUBLESHOOTING STEPS: VMware View Virtual desktop performance
This article provides a brief list of general troubleshooting steps for performance issues on virtual desktops. Scenarios covered include: Video slicing or tearing. Screen (or parts of the screen) becomes fuzzy screen and then clears up. Slow screen …
Why is my virtual desktop experiencing poor display or video performance after installing or updating VMware software?
Scenario Your virtual machine (VM) may experience some of the following performance issues after updating or installing VMware tools, VMware View agent, or PCoIP software: Poor video playback. Slow windows drag within one monitor or between two monitors. …
PCoIP Zero Client refuses to connect to a View Connection Server
This is a common issue we run into especially when we depreciate older security components from our firmware. We ran into this issue when we depreciated TLS1.0 and are once again seeing it mow that we have depreciated TLS1.1 The typical message the user …
Authentication failures with my eToken/smartcard device and VMware Horizon
Prerequisites eToken devices work based on the scenario in which they are intended to be used and the proper installation of the PCoIP Smartcard feature. Three scenario's are described below after the PCoIP Smartcard installation: PCoIP Smartcard …
What are the requirements to support pre-session smart card authentication when connecting to VMware Horizon (View)?
Note: With the release of PCoIP Zero Client firmware 6.1.0, the information in the knowledge base article has been moved into the PCoIP Zero Client Administrators' guide to ensure the list is current at the time of each firmware release. See PCoIP Zero …
MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) options are not being displayed on the PCoIP Zero Client when authenticating to a VMware Horizon View Connection Server
Problem MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) options are not being displayed on the PCoIP Zero Client when authenticating to a VMware Horizon View Connection Server. The MFA challenge is only showing a short prompt regardless of which option you have …
Imprivata OneSign 4.9 SP1 causes instabilities with the password entry when connected to PCoIP Zero Clients.
Answer: Password authentication instabilities specific to Imprivata OneSign version 4.9 SP1 (released Oct 1st, 2014) and PCoIP Zero Clients are described below. Scenario 1: Once a user has successfully authenticated using a valid username and password, …
VMware View Client with dual Virtual NICs unable to connect to virtual desktop
Scenario A VMware View Client with dual virtual NICs configured may not be able to connect to the virtual desktop.  Note: this article does not apply to PCoIP Zero Clients. Dual Virtual NICs Configured on the View Client   Cause If the client has been …
Why does my PCoIP Zero Client indicate that it is unable to verify the View Connection Server's identity after the CA's root certificate has been uploaded via AWI and/or the PCoIP Management Console?
Problem The PCoIP Zero Client is presenting a certificate error when the server's corresponding Root CA or Intermediate Certificate has been loaded into the PCoIP Zero Client certificate store. The PCoIP Zero Client has a certificate check mode configured …