How to retrieve a LDAPS certificate
This article describes 3 methods of obtaining the LDAPS certificate from the Active Directory (AD) Server that is active in your deployment, to then install on the PCoIP Management Console. This will allow the LDAPS connection between products that …
FAQ - What are the required TCP/UDP ports for PCoIP technology?
Answer: The TCP and UDP ports assigned for PCoIP technology are shown in the tables below. Please note that IANA assigned port 4172 to the PCoIP protocol. HP Anyware License Server HP Anyware License Server Port Port Number Direction Description Online …
How to create and install a self-signed certificate on a Windows 2016 Active Directory server to enable LDAPS
NOTE:  Self-signed certificates are not inherently secure and should not be used in production environments. Please consult your security infrastructure and security policies before installing a self-signed certificate. This is an example of one method to …
Troubleshooting PCoIP session Connection Issues
Problem When connecting to a PCoIP Standard Agent for Windows, PCoIP Graphics Agent for Windows, PCoIP Standard Agent for Linux or PCoIP Graphics Agent for Linux the connection fails with one of the following messages: Error: Unable to connect to …
How do I find the PCoIP log files and set logging level for different PCoIP products?
Selecting any of the links below will provide detailed instructions on how to obtain the event logs (and set logging level if applicable) that may be required for troubleshooting each of the respective PCoIP related products. You may submit the support …
Setting Up Japanese Language and Keyboards
The following tutorial demonstrates how to set up Japanese language and keyboard for Windows PCoIP Software Client and connecting to Microsoft's Japanese Windows Server. Setting up language and keyboard is performed both on the host and client side. Note: …
Error 6405: PCoIP Agent failed to launch the remote session
Problem When connecting to a HP Anyware PCoIP Agent the client receives the "Error 6405: PCoIP Agent failed to launch the remote session. Please try again. If this failure persists, please report this failure to your system administrator."     Cause The …
À quoi sert l’adresse IP de secours ?
La carte PCoIP Zero Client ou PCoIP Remote Workstation est configurée sur ses paramètres d’usine par défaut. Par défaut, le périphérique PCoIP est en mode DHCP. Parce qu’il est en mode DHCP, lorsqu’il est connecté pour la première fois à un réseau, il …