FAQ - Licensing HP Anyware

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This article provides common questions and answers on how to license HP Anyware.  It includes concepts, guidelines and troubleshooting checklists + links to the product licensing instructions found in the various HP Anyware guides.

FAQ – General 

  1. Guidelines for choosing between Cloud Licensing and deploying your own Local License Server?
  2. What is included in each HP Anyware license order?
  3. How do I use the registration code? (Windows, Linux)
  4. How can I move licenses from the Cloud Service to a Local License Server?
  5. How can I see the licenses that are installed?
  6. How can I see the licenses that are available?
  7. What are License features? What are Agent-Session and Agent-Graphics used for?
  8. How can I track license usage?
  9. How many licenses do I need?
  10. At what time does a license expire?
  11. What is Licensing Grace Period? and when is it triggered?
  12. How can I transfer my HP Anyware key from one license server to another license server?
  13. How can I move my registration code from one PCoIP agent to a different PCoIP agent?
  14. How can I check if my Cloud or Local license server is healthy?
  15. Which firewall ports need to be open for licensing to work?
  16. What services need to be available for Cloud Licensing to work?
  17. How to activate licenses when operating on a dark site (offline) environment?
  18. How do I configure HP ZCentral Remote Boost licensing?

FAQ – Troubleshooting Tips 

  1. Registration code does not take, what should I look for to correct?
  2. My key does not activate on my local license server, what could be wrong?
  3. The pcoip-validate-license command fails, what could be wrong?
  4. I just purchased licenses but I still see the old expiry date associated with my old licenses, how can this be fixed?
  5. My license server will not start, how can this be fixed?
  6. Cannot connect to session: Client shows licensing-related errors, or error 0x1002?
  7. How do we recover licenses from a deleted Local License Server?
  8. Solution to Licensing Problems with Cloud License Service (CLS)

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Answers – General

Guidelines for choosing between Cloud Licensing or deploying your own Local License Server?

With HP Anyware, you can choose to put all your licenses into a single cloud based pool (Cloud Licensing) or if you need more additional pools, or control, you can deploy your very own Local License Servers.  

Use Cloud Licensing if you do not want the overhead of deploying or managing Local License Servers.
You will need to use a Local License Servers if your use case includes one or more of these advanced features:

  • hosts do not have access to the internet
  • need to use an offline (dark site) activation process
  • need to divide your pool of licenses into multiple pools aimed at different users
  • need to track license usage

The following table illustrates the features available for both licensing types:

Table: Licensing Features Compared
FeaturesCloud LicensingLocal License Server(s)
Internet Access Required? YesOptional
Online Activation Supported? YesYes
Offline (Dark site) Activation Supported? NoYes
Internet Proxy Supported? YesYes
Number of licenses pools supported?1Many
High Availability Options Available? NoYes
Ability to Track License Usage? YesYes

For more information, see Licensing Models Explained  

What is included in each HP Anyware license order?

In each licensing order, there will be one registration code and one or more license activation codes.  

As you order HP Anyware licenses, these licenses will automatically be added to the Cloud service licensing pool.   Your PCoIP agents can be configured to access the pool of licenses in the cloud by using the registration code.

This short video shows you how the registration code is used.  

Alternatively, you may move the license out of the cloud licensing pool and into one or more local license server pools.  By deploying additional servers, you can gain more control over how each license is used.    The activation code will need to be unmapped from the cloud and mapped onto the your local license server.  The registration code is not used when using local license server.  When using a local license server, you will need to configure and maintain the license server and the connection manager will need to be updated to broadcast the location of the license server to all your deployed agents.  For more information see:

How can I move licenses from the Cloud Service to a Local License Server? 

If you want to transfer a license from the cloud or to a local license server (or vice versa) use the following instructions:

How can I see the licenses that are installed?

All licenses that are purchased are available on your HP Anyware License portal.  The purchaser of your licenses will have access to the portal:

In addition for a Local License Server, the command pcoip-view-license lists all used and available licenses, expiry dates and the devices/hosts that are currently using licenses.   

How can I see the licenses that are available?

Run the command pcoip-list-licenses on any PCoIP Agent that is connected to either the cloud or local license server.  This command will retrieve and display licenses that are not already in use.  Licenses that are in use, may not be not shown.  Command is available for both Local License Server and Cloud Licensing deployments.  

What are License features? What are Agent-Session and Agent-Graphics used for?

A HP Anyware Graphic Agent will require both an "Agent-Session" and an "Agent-Graphics" feature license before it establishes a PCoIP session.  The standard Agent or Workstation Card hardware Agent require only an "Agent-Session" license prior to establishing a PCoIP session.

How can I track license usage?

If you would like to track usage of your licenses, a script can be setup to capture usage over time.   The script is located here: https://github.com/hpinc/pcoip-license-server

How many licenses do I need?  

Licenses are based on concurrent PCoIP sessions.  They will float to an PCoIP Agent on the remote host just prior to the host establishing a PCoIP session.  Once the license is obtained, that host VM will be able to establish PCoIP session for the next 12 hours. When sizing your license pool, you should purchase enough licenses for each host VM that you would like active in a 12 hour period.

At what time does a license expire?

For Cloud Licensing: the expiry time is 11:59 PM US Central Time (CDT or CST depending on time of year).
For Local License Server: the expiry time is 11:59 PM, the time zone of local license server.

What is Licensing Grace Period and when is it triggered?

Consult the following topics: 

How can I move my local license server key into my cloud server (or vice versa)?

Key can be transferred by unmapping the key from the license server where it is being used and then re-mapping it to the other license server.  See the following instructions for details: 


How can I move my registration code from one PCoIP agent to a different PCoIP agent?

You can register as many agents as you want to connect to the cloud based licensing server.  If you want to de-register using the pcoip-register-host script and select the deregister option.

How can I check if my license server is healthy?

Local License Serverhttp://<License Server IP>:<port>/api/1.0/health

Cloud Licensing https://teradici.compliance.flexnetoperations.com/api/1.0/instances/<LicenseServerInstance>/health

The <LicenseServerInstance> id is the number found before the @ symbol in your registration code. (i.e. YYYYYYYY @XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.  The YYYYYYYY is your <LicenseServerInstance> id.

You can perform the health check using a browser or via curl. If you are using curl and are behind a proxy, specify your proxy settings by including -x and the proxy IP and port numbers, as shown in this example (replace all address and port numbers with your own):

  • curl -x

A successful check returns a JSON response containing the following key/value pair:

"database" : {
      "connectionCheck" : "success"

If the health check fails, check the license server is up and running, the required ports are open, and the proxy setting is correct (if configured).

Which firewall ports need to be open for licensing to work?

If you are using cloud based licensing then your PCoIP Agent will need access to the internet either by using port 443 or by setting up an internet proxy. The URL used for licensing is https://teradici.compliance.flexnetoperations.com/.

If you are using a local licensing server, the ports that need to be configured are described here.

What services need to be available for Cloud Licensing to work?

Note: if you are not currently configuring your firewall to allowlist specific network traffic, you can skip this session.

Our third-party licensing vender has scheduled an IP block change.  Please ensure to update your network allowlist by March 11, 2023 to avoid any licensing service disruption.

If you are using HP Anyware Cloud Licensing, you will need to allowlist the following:

If you use an IP allowed list, we recommend sharing the following network blocks to allowlist with your IT team:

  • IPv4:
  • IPv6: 2620:122:f005::/56

If you previously used the IP allowlist as in the following, we also recommend you to keep the old allowlist until the new allowlist is in effect and you have tested it working:

  • Production:
  • Disaster Recovery:

How do I configure HP ZCentral Remote Boost licensing?

Instructions for configuring ZCentral Remote Boost are provided in HP documentation:

  1. Go to https://h30670.www3.hp.com/portal/swdepot/displayProductInfo.do?productNumber=ZCRB-WSR.
  2. Find the HP ZCentral Software Licensing Guide and download it.
  3. In the Licensing Guide, go to Configuring HP Anyware Plus Licenses.

Answers – Troubleshooting Tips

 My registration does not take, what should I look for to correct? 

Step 1: Retry your registration manually using the command pcoip-register-host:

Step 2: Do you see any of the error message listed below? 

  • If yes, follow the recommendations in the checklist.
  • If no then , submit a case.
Scenario:Registration of the HP Anyware Agent fails
Error creating FNE capability response: 
Server was not able to process request correctly. Server status: (Back office server error.)
CauseVirtual Machine name had been previously registered to a different license server.
  1. To correct, the backend server will need to be update so submit a case and include the support bundle, registration key  and name of the virtual machine impacted.
  2. HP Anyware will fix the problem on the back end server and move your VM to the new license server.


Scenario:Registration of the HP Anyware Agent fails
Unable to reach the cloud license service. Please ensure
is accessible from this system.
CauseCommunication to the Cloud license server was either blocked or the server did not reply in time.
  1. Does your PCoIP Agent on the remote host have access to the internet?
  2. If using a proxy, is it setup correctly?
  3. Is your anti-virus software blocking access to teradici.compliance.flexnetoperations.com?
  4. Is your firewall blocking access to teradici.compliance.flexnetoperations.com?
  5. Do you need to white list the flexera IP addresses?  See What services need to be available for Cloud Licensing to work? for services that will need to be allowlisted.
  6. Is the license server health check successful?  See How can I check if my Cloud or Local license server is healthy?


Scenario:Registration of the HP Anyware Agent fails
Registration error: 
Error creating FNE capability response.
Server was not able to process request correctly. 
Server status: (Back office server error.)
CauseAn incorrect (unknown) registration code was used..
  1. Double check to make sure you are using the correct registration code.

My key does not activate on my local license server, what could be wrong? 

Step 1: Retry your activation using the command pcoip-activate-<type>-license command

Step 2: Do you see any of the error message listed below?

  • If yes, follow the recommendations in the checklist.
  • If no,  submit a case.
Scenario:Activation of a License on a Local License Server Fails
Host's UUID does not match expected UUID 
for that host ID Host id does not match; 
Expected <8 digit number> got 
CauseThe License Server cannot operate due to insufficient memory.
  1. Increase the memory on license server to minimum 4 GB as required in administrators' guide.


Scenario:Activation of a License on a Local License Server Fails
Could not commit JPA transaction nested exception java, 
because transaction was set to rollback
CauseThe security measures on license server prevents the license server user to commit the transaction. 
  1. In file /etc/systemd/system/Flexnetls-TERADICI.service: change User=pcoip_license_server to User=root.
  2. Restart the license server.

The pcoip-validate-license command fails, what could be wrong? 

Step 1: Retry your validation check the command pcoip-validate-license command:

Step 2: Is the cloud or local license server healthy? 

Step 3: Are there license availables for use on the license server?

Step 4: Do you see any of the error message listed below?

  • If yes, follow the recommendations in the checklist.
  • If no,  submit a case.
Scenario:The command, pcoip-validate-license is failing 
This version of trusted storage is not supported.

or in the log file, there were entries like

Unable to handle request for feature 
Agent-Session 1.0 count=1. Reason:
Cause: The Licenses have been corrupted on the agent.
  1. Delete the contents of C:\ProgramData\Teradici\PCoIPAgent\licensing\5 in Windows, or /var/lib/pcoip-agent/licensing/5 (requires root permissions) in Linux
  2. Restart the appropriate agent service (PCoIP Graphics Agent or PCoIP Standard Agent on Windows, or pcoip-agent on Linux)
  3. ​If using HP Anyware Cloud Licensing (not using a local license server), re-register the host.

My license server will not start, how can this be fixed?

Step 1: Do you see any of the error message listed below?

Scenario:Local License Server Service does not start

The license server service was not started up, and the /var/log/flexnetls-TERADICI/pcoip-license-server.log indicated the following error:

ERROR flexnetls_licenses:database flush
General error: 
File corrupted
Cause:The trusted storage has been corrupted on the license server. 

Option 1: try restore the backup database file first

  1. sudo systemctl stop flexnetls-TERADICI
  2. cd /var/opt/flexnetLS/TERADICI
  3. if there was no backup file in folder 'tsBackup', go to Option 2 below. Otherwise continue.
  4. copy backup file if existing in folder 'tsBackup' to replace the current file, e.g. 'sudo cp ./tsBackup/flexnetls_licenses.mv.db.ts flexnetls_licenses.mv.db'
  5. sudo systemctl start flextnetls-TERADICI
  6. if it still failed to start, go to Option 2 below.

Option 2: delete the trusted storage and reactivate licenses

  1. sudo systemctl stop flexnetls-TERADICI
  2. cd /var/opt/flexnetLS/TERADICI
  3. rm -rf *
  4. sudo systemctl start flextnetls-TERADICI
  5. sudo pcoip-set-password
  6. reactivate the licenses following admin guide.

I just purchased licenses but I still see the old expiry date that was associated with my old licenses, how can this be fixed? 

The PCoIP agent will show the expiry date used by the license that it acquired from the pool.  It will return the license once the PCoIP connection is terminated and will get a new license when the next session is established.  The expiry date shown may not align to the more recent purchase. 

For example, if you purchased 5 licenses that expire on date Y, and then purchase 10 licenses that expire on date Z, your pool of 15 licenses will have two expiry dates (Y and Z).  When you look at the license that is being used on an agent, it could be the license that expires on Y or Z as long as Y or Z are in the future.

To double check that the new licenses have been added to your license server, run the command; pcoip-list-licenses on the PCoIP agent.  It will show all the expiry dates.  If you do not see your licenses with the new date, submit a case.

How do we recover licenses from a deleted Local License Server?

If your licenses has been deleted, follow the guidance provided in the KB, We have deleted our License Server VM. How do we recover the deleted license?