Brokering Remote Workstation Card Machines
You can use the Remote Workstation Card Agent for Linux to provide brokering capabilities for your Linux Remote Workstation Card machines.
Configuring your Anyware Zero Client's connection mode as described here will disable direct-to-host connections.
Anyware Remote Workstation Card Agent for Linux 25.03
This guide is intended for administrators who require brokering of Anyware clients to computers using Remote Workstation Cards. It assumes administrators have thorough knowledge of Linux conventions and networking concepts, including firewall configuration.
Connection Guide
Making a Connection from a PCoIP Client
Anyware clients are remote endpoint devices available as software or firmware devices that make secure PCoIP connections to remote desktops. Once you've installed your Remote Workstation Card Agent, you will have the ability to create brokered connections from Anyware Clients to computers with a Remote Workstation Card.
Configuration Guide
Configuration Guide
You can configure the Remote Workstation Card Agent for Linux, and optimize the PCoIP broker protocol for security, licensing and messaging behavior by adjusting configuration directives found in /etc/pcoip-agent/pcoip-agent.conf.
Creating a Support File
Creating a Technical Support File
We may request a support file from your system in order to troubleshoot and diagnose issues. The support file is an archive containing Anyware Remote Workstation Card Agent for Linux logs and other diagnostic data that can help support diagnose your problem.
To create a support file, type the following command as a super user:
Finding your Agent Version Number
Finding the Agent Version Number
To find the agent's version number in Ubuntu:
dpkg -l "pcoip*"
To find the agent's version number in RHEL or Rocky Linux:
rpm -qai "pcoip*"
The console will display a table of all registered components and their version number, if they have one.
Contacting Support
Contacting Support
If you encounter any problems installing, configuring, or running the Remote Workstation Card Agent for Linux, you can create a support ticket.
Before creating a ticket, be prepared with the following:
Uninstalling the Agent
Uninstalling the Remote Workstation Card Agent for Linux
You can remove the Remote Workstation Card Agent for Linux from your system, or you can remove the repo config entirely.
2. License the Agent
The Remote Workstation Card Agent for Linux must be assigned a valid PCoIP session license before it will work. Until you've registered it, you can't connect to the desktop using a Anyware client.
You receive a registration code when you purchase a pool of licenses from HP. Each registration code can be used multiple times; each use consumes one license in its pool.
Note: Registration code format
Registration codes look like this: ABCDEFGH12@AB12-C345-D67E-89FG