HP Anyware Software Client cannot connect to PCoIP Remote Workstation Card
Scenario : Trying to connect to a PCoIP remote workstation card ( RWC ) using the HP Anyware software client fails to connect. User receives the following message... In this case the software client version can be any release however for my testing I am …
How do I identify if enhanced logging is enabled on PCoIP Zero Clients and PCoIP Remote Workstation cards?
Answer: Since firmware 4.0.0, enhanced logging has been identifiable in events logs on PCoIP Zero Clients and PCoIP Remote Workstation Cards (also known as a host card). Event log entries of no module selected indicate enhanced logging is not activated …
What are the DNS SRV records supported by PCoIP Zero Client and PCoIP Remote Workstation Card firmware?
There are four different DNS SRV records that are supported in firmware. pcoip-bootstrap  (PCoIP Management Console 2.x and newer, Firmware 5.x and newer) - The firmware uses this DNS SRV record along with other records to complete the bootstrap process …
How to disable all USB devices but allow Human Interface Devices (HID) using the PCoIP Management Console
The PCoIP Management Console 1.x, 2.x and 3.x can push predetermined profiles to PCoIP Zero Clients and PCoIP Remote Workstation Cards. Inside the profile USB policies that control USB authorized and unauthorized devices. In many organizations it is …
Amazon certificate change may affect PCoIP Zero Clients connecting to Amazon WorkSpaces
Problem When connecting to Amazon WorkSpaces, certificate errors are presented to the user. Scenario 1: Users of zero clients that have the Never connect to untrusted servers using the Amazon WorkSpaces session connection type connecting to Amazon …
Mirroring displays on PCoIP Zero Clients
Requirements Tera2 dual port client (TERA2321) Firmware 4.1 or newer   Instructions From the PCoIP Zero Client's onscreen display (OSD) or both versions of the Management Console OSD - browse to Options > Configuration > Display > Enable Display Cloning …
This firmware version is not supported on this platform. Please upload a different file
Problem When attempting to downgrade firmware the error message This firmware version is not supported on this platform. Please upload a different file Or in the PCoIP Remote Workstation Card or PCoIP Zero Client event log 0d,00:03:36.19> LVL:2 RC:   0    …