Client SDK for macOS Developers' Guide
This release is in End of Availability. The release is no longer available from Teradici. You must upgrade to a supported release.

Linking the SDK for macOS

This section includes instructions for linking the SDK libraries with your custom client application:

  1. Open a Terminal window and change directory to the root of the mounted SDK disk image.

  2. Copy the SDK files to desired location for SDK development, refered to as <sdk_location> below.

    CMake modules location

    The CMake modules for finding the libraries within the package are located inside the SDK framework /<sdk_location>/PCoIPSoftClientSDK/Resources/CMake. The required libraries are namespaced by PCoIPSoftClientSDK.

  3. To use the core APIs use the following commands on your applications CMake file for linking your application to the libraries that are needed from the SDK.

    list(APPEND_CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH " /<sdk_location>/PCoIPSoftClientSDK/Resources/CMake")
    find_package(PCoIPSoftClientSDK REQUIRED)
  4. Use the following command to link your application to the core library using the CMake command, replacing <your_application> with your own application name:

    target_link_libraries(<your_application> PRIVATE PCoIPSoftClientSDK::pcoip_core )

    You can link to any other required libraries similarly by appending it to the above command.

Last updated: Wednesday, October 30, 2024